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Book Now

Looking to buy an e-bike but want to hire it first?

Simply find your local Momentum retailer below, contact the store and arrange your ride experience. Our expert retail network will be on hand to support your test experience, helping you select the perfect bike for your needs easy.

How does it work?

Follow these four steps

1. Select a bike

Select your potential new ride from the bikes below

2. Explore the bike

Check out the features that set our machines apart from the competition

3. Book online

Find your closest retailer, choose a date, enter your details and make payment to secure your Momentum bike (security deposit required in store on collection)

4. Enjoy

Collect your bike (ID required) and take it for a ride on your favourite route – then return it to the retailer, get your security deposit back and tell us what you thought!

Select a bike

Choose a bike to hire from the following categories

A full refund if you decide to purchase

Once your hire is completed, we’ll supply a discount code with the same value if you want to purchase online.

Hire Now